Risk-free & scalable start with NextFab.

NextFab Kickstart allows you to test the benefits of an industrial data platform for your manufacturing business. Risk-free and scalable at any time. 1 use case of your choice, 4 weeks implementation time, 3 months trial.

On average, NextFab IIoT gives you:

30% increase in productivity
40% energy saving potential

NextFab Kickstart in Numbers


Custom Use Case




Productivity boost


Energy saving potential

Whether as Factory Operator or Machine Manufacturer - we help you to implement your custom Use Case, so you can field-test the benefits of an IIoT solution for your manufacturing operation.

Discover NextFab IIoT and achieve first optimization wins at the same time. If the results convince you, you can upscale NextFab by additional machines, factory sites & use cases at any time.

Flexible scaling to all your factory sites at any time.

What are the benefits?

Bring your Smart Manufacturing strategy to life. NextFab IIoT gives you the tools: Industrial Data Platform, Data Integration, Hardware, Consulting Services & many cool of-the-shelf features.

Monitor & optimize machine uptime

Take data-driven decisions by monitoring your machine data & significantly boost your productivity.

Smart Process Automations

Automate processes without programming. Create automation rules with the data from your systems and trigger any workflow from them.

Detect & eliminate

Identify & eliminate causes for downtime and boost availability of your machines. Reduce downtime = increase throughput.

Live Status &
Production KPIs

Monitor all the important health & production data of your machines in real time.

Interfaces (APIs)

Utilize production data in your existing enterprise apps like ERP, CRM, BI. Or sync ERP data (orders, material data, resource planning) back into NextFab.


Instantly notify the right people when there are events in your factory. Optionally you can connect NextFab to external messaging apps that your team uses.

Benchmark Machines, Production Lines, Sites & Shifts

Monitor and compare how efficiently specific production lines, sites or shifts operate with just a few clicks.

Maintenance Management

Condense all health data of your machines on one user-friendly platform. Stay up to date, when the next maintenances are due.

Service & Maintenance actions

Trigger targeted service actions towards the Machine Manufacturer and include diagnostics data directly in your requests.

Coming soon
Cross-vendor error management

NextFab delivers you contextualized error messages across all manufacturers, that are easy to understand. At the same time it offers you suggestions for resolving them.

Coming soon
Dashboard Builder

Create dashboards wherever you need them, e.g. for workers on your shopfloor, for specific machines / production lines or for your production manager.

Coming soon
AI-based optimization suggestions

Identify patterns and correlations in data, that are not visible to the human eye. Receive actionable suggestions for optimization with the help of AI.

Coming soon
Fleet Management

NextFab Fleet Manager is the central location where you can manage and monitor all your machines, series, incl. their field data.

Condition Monitoring

Offer Condition Monitoring of health data to your customers as a service and help to boost their machine availability.

Extra revenue through Digital Services & Apps

Deploy digital services in a scalable way without having to worry about infrastructure, operations and the processes in the background.


With NextFab, you turn your machines into cross-vendor compatible Smart Products, that your customers can integrate into any Smart Factory.

Convenient & easy Semantics Management

Once described, you can generate any number of machines from a series template. Of course you can adapt and expand semantics as you like.

Integrate with your
ERP system

Sync health data from your machine fleet, as well as after-sales information (e.g. service & maintenance inquiries) with your ERP.

Streamline your

Service and maintenance inquiries (including diagnostic data and error codes) directly from your customers' Smart Factory.

Coming soon
Digital Log for
Service & Maintenance

Carried out service activities are stored in the Digital Twin of your machines & remain linked to them even when resold.

Coming soon
Error Management &
Troubleshooting Guide

Describe your error codes in NextFab & offer your customers targeted solutions for resolving them.

Coming soon
Live Energy Monitoring
at machine level

Monitor the energy consumption of all machines on your shopfloor at the root and use the data seamlessly in your Smart Factory.

Energy Balance

Get a clear overview of the energy consumption of your machines. Monitor energy flows live and create an energy balance of your production.

Energy Efficiency

Determine the efficiency of specific machines by combining energy data with key manufacturing KPIs such as good parts, throughput or tonnage produced.

Targeted use of
efficient machines

Utilize specific machines with higher energy efficiency, optimize operating times and reduce your overall enrgy costs.

Predictive detection
of machine breakdowns

Identify potential issues and errors with energy data. Machine breakdowns are often accompanied by unusual patterns in power consumption before they occur.

Coming soon
Continuous differential current measurement

Protect your workers from dangerous fault currents by continuously monitoring the differential current (compliant with DGUV V3).

Coming soon
Reduction of Peak Loads
(peak shaving)

Based on your individual limits, NextFab can warn you in good time about the unintentional & expensive exceeding of load peaks & effectively counteract operating times by adjusting operating times.

Coming soon

Easy Data Integration

Use connector templates from the NextFab Asset Library to set up the semantic models of your machines quickly & onboard them in your Smart Factory.

Picture showing the scheme of semantic integration of machines in NextFab
Interoperability regardless of manufacturer, communication protocol & age.

Simply retrofit old machines

infographic showing the retrofit of the NextFab Sensor Kit & Energy Kit

Using the NextFab Sensor Kit & Energy Kit, even systems without a PLC or modern controll system can be turned into Smart Machines - ready for your Digital Factory.

infographic showing the retrofit of the NextFab Sensor Kit & Energy Kit
An illustration showing the functions of a semantic template of a machine

Structured data
for versatile use cases

An illustration showing the functions of a semantic template of a machine

NextFab breaks up data silos and provides clean and structured data from your heterogeneous shopfloor. These harmonized data can be utilized effectively for KPI optimization, cutting operating cost or to build any custom Smart Manufacturing Use Case you can think of.

Flexible Data Model

infographic describing the setup of semantic functions in NextFab

Regardless of whether you want to use your own data model or integrate existing industry standards & companion specifications. NextFab supports you with standardized semantics & connector templates from a growing Asset Library and at the same time offers the necessary flexibility to implement your own models.

infographic describing the setup of semantic functions in NextFab
infographic showing the utilization digital services & apps in the NextFab Marketplace

Infrastructure for
Apps & Digital Services

infographic showing the utilization digital services & apps in the NextFab Marketplace

With NextFab's microservice infrastructure, you can offer Apps & Digital Services on any machine. Generate additional revenue or expand the functionality of your own Smart Factory on the go.

Offer / use services directly in the Smart Factory
Faster development due to harmonized data
Easy to install & use
Choose the ideal NextFab Kickstart model for you!
NextFab Kickstart


Cost-effective entry into Smart Manufacturing for one machine of choice.
2.979 €
All-in-one package
NextFab POC Logo
Want to know how to boost competitiveness by intelligently leveraging your production data?
Kickstart S scope
Digital Twin of your factory
Data Integration of any machines incl. hardware
Video onboarding session for your team
Best Value
NextFab Kickstart


Risk-free and scalable start with a custom IIoT Use Case running on 3 machines.
All-in-one package
NextFab POC Logo
Want to test NextFab across multiple machines with your custom IIoT Use Case?
Kickstart M scope
Digital Twin of your factory
Solving an individual Smart Manufacturing use case (PoC)
Data Integration of any 3 machines incl. hardware
Video onboarding session for your team
3 video calls for optimization & ideation
NextFab Kickstart

M + Energy

Efficient start with a custom IIoT Use Case running on 3 machines incl. Smart Energy
All-in-one package
NextFab POC Logo
Want to test NextFab across multiple machines incl. Smart Energy for a custom Use Case?
Kickstart M+ Energy scope
Digital Twin of your factory
Solving an individual Smart Manufacturing use case (PoC)
Data Integration of any 3 machines incl. hardware + Energy Kit
Energy Monitoring & Smart Energy functionality
Video onboarding session for your team
3 video calls for optimization & ideation

All Kickstart packages include a subscription for the selected machines for 3 months.
You can look up the regular pricing of subscriptions here: Offering & Pricing

Start your IIoT strategy
with NextFab Kickstart

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We're excited to hear about your Use-Case

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New & Old Machines
Industrial Connectivity regardless of age, manufacturer & protocol (We Modbus & Siemens S7) — not only for “modern" protocols such as OPC UA or MQTT.
Multiple Sites
Connects all your Factory Sites on one industrial data platform — it allows you to monitor their performance and easily duplicate new sites including the machines with minimum effort.
Structured & Scalable
Clean structured production data can be used across your whole organization — the context is created through unified semantics across machines and manufacturers (actionable data).
Use of 3'rd party apps
A wide variety of enterprise applications & services can be deployed / used. For example from machine manufacturers or 3'rd party providers.
Cloud Native
Scalable data infrastructure of the latest generation (cloud native), ready for processing large amounts of data, flexibly expandable at any time.
Web-based app
All you need to use the NextFab data platform is a web browser (mobile app is in development). No local installations required. This reduces administrative costs and increases security.